Select Vouchers
Select vouchers are for our preferred vendors who advertise in our Food & Fun magazine
A Select voucher pays the concierge an additional 10% commission over the normal commission. Select vouchers are for Adult seats only. They must have a regular, full price voucher with any Select (meaning the whole party CANNOT be booked as select). All Select voucher MUST BE BOOKED, ISSUED AND TAKE PLACE IN THE SAME MONTH YOU ARE CURRENTLY IN (ie: if today is August 1st you can only book Select vouchers during the month of August).
Some Vendors restrict then number of Select seats per client, some do not. When calling a “Select” voucher into a Vendor it is called “select or TV” voucher only. We NEVER call it a trade voucher. We collect in full for all select seats from the guest.
EXAMPLE: there is a party of 6 adults and 2 Children who want to book a Select Vendor that has plenty of select money available (you can see the select balance available in the image below). A regular voucher would have 3 adults and 2 children, the Select could have a maximum of 3 adults. You can never have a higher quantity on a select voucher than on a non-select voucher.
If you have two adults, one can be select the other must be a regular voucher. We want to BOOK Select vendors first and foremost every day.
To check the balance or availability of select click Ctrl S).
To add a select voucher to a client record, choose “Add Select”. A pop up box will appear where you will then choose the select vendor. At that time the screen will show how much select is left to cover the cost of seats, how many adult seats can be booked and red, yellow and green light to guide you.